Our detailed privacy & policies to understand how we protect your information and uphold transparency in our services. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance. You can contact us at our contact page, through live chat or at our social media platforms.
Whenever we ask for your information i.e. Name, Email, and contact number, either in web chat or on call, are used to provide you with the best information for our services or for negotiation on our quote. These are not intended for unsolicited calls or emails.
During website chat, contact form on the website or on-call, elsewhere on the Pioneer Estimation forum, if prompted for a name, email address, or contact number are all intended for providing you with better information.
Your personal information will be used for better customer service requests. For protection, we use Malware scanning and an SSL certificate and we never ask for credit card information. For invoicing, we use SECURE QUICKBOOKS that never disclose your information to any 3rd party and are credible in the market.
Neither we disclose nor do we have any link with any 3rd parties who ask or require our client’s information
CalOPPA ensures that privacy policy is published on the website and also about what information is being collected from clients and how will it be used.
The major points of the Law ensure that the visitor can surf our site anonymously and it’s upon the visitor to provide his/her information while there will be no obligation.
Neither our campaigns nor our marketing is intended for children under 13 nor do we ask for their personal information. While the CAN-SPAM act is what we follow and obey, our campaign allows our audience to opt-in or opt-out anytime they intend to not receive our notifications.
Absolutely there is no breach of personal, commercial, or bid information between any of the stakeholders, and is strictly prohibited. This is what we pronounce and declare to everyone who joins our organization.
Pioneer Estimation facilitates our clients through construction estimation services and material takeoffs. Our goal is to help you estimate and bid on your projects so you can focus on running your other business.
866 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11218
+1 (518) 854-1070